Saturday, January 4, 2025


 Hi everyone. Great news today. I finished several edits on my book and now Saphira's e-book is available everywhere for Pre-Order. The paperback on Amazon only will be published in time to be available on January 15, 2025.

It was a pretty hard road to getting this one done but I did it. I am going to take a short break and then will start to work on two children's books to be completed and published some time in 2025. More to follow in future writings.

I have also put the book up for Pre-Order with D2D and has been sent to several e-book sellers like Apple Books, Barnes & Noble and several others around the world so check out your favorite place and see if it's there.

Will be back here on January 25th for an up date and any news about how Saphira sales are doing.

Saturday, December 21, 2024


 Hi All. I've started the editing of my book. This will be my work for the next three weeks as my end file has to be uploaded to Amazon on January 11, 2025 for the Pre-Order Kindle Book. It has been a long road and these next few weeks will be intense but that will make the time pass for the remainder of 2024 and into 2025.

I'll return with an update on January 4-2025 with hope that all editing will be finished, and I will just be into the making sure all is good phase for the final week. That will give me time to prepare the paperback version, get it uploaded so the two can become live at the same time.

An e-book version will also be uploaded to Draft2Digital so that all the other vendors like Apple, Barnes & Noble, etc. will have e-copies to buy for those who prefer not to use Amazon for their purchases.


Saturday, December 7, 2024


 Hello readers. I put the date in my calendar as a reminder to write here and it worked. I have just started Chapter 37 in my book 'Saphira' and will be at the end by mid-week. Then I will start some of the editing on a few chapters where I have already found errors and highlighted those sections.

Next update will be December 21 just before the holidays. I'm hoping to have all my chapters done and be far into the editing part.

If I keep up at this pace being completed for my release date of January 15, 2025 will be right on track. Below is a picture of my main character Madison Curry who is a genetic scientist.

I've started working on the new children's book but will not be doing a lot until my novel mentioned above is completed and uploaded to Amazon and other book sellers using D2D.

 Meet Dizzy one of the characters in my children's book.

Well off to write. Remember, I'll be back on December 21st to update you before I take a short break for the holidays!

Saturday, November 23, 2024


 Hi everyone. Sorry for not posting but I have been really busy writing. I have put me new upcoming book "Saphira" on Amazon for pre-order. Publish date is January 15-2025.

I am up to the middle of Chapter 32 so only a few more to go before I start doing editing. I will put a reminder in my calendar to post on here at least every two weeks and see if that works better.

I have decided to leave my children's book that is started and will begin working on a new one. I seem to have been unable to get my brain back into the started one. Maybe at another time it will work.

New title for now will be: DIZZY

It is about a crazy cat and a little girl in a wheelchair. Once I have a cover created I will put it on here for you to see, but remember it may not be the final one as we writers are always making changes.

Dizzy is a black and grey stripped one year old kitten with a large white circle in the middle of his forehead between his eyes.

Hopefully, I will see you back here on December 7th.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Hi Everyone. I have been working hard at finishing my book and am now at Chapter 27. I have set my book cover size to 250 pages and am now just under 200 so almost there before the need for major editing.

I have been working with my writing group regarding my cover and the blurb with several suggestions to making it sound better. I still haven't gone back to my children's book and believe that I will leave that until after this book has been published.

So you can see what the current cover looks like check it out below:

So if you think this doesn't work for you let me know by leaving a comment.  Now back to work. I will be back at the end of the month with the hope that all chapters are completed and editing has begun.

Monday, September 2, 2024

 Hi all. Happy September. I almost got here on time but was busy with the holiday. The writing is going good and have started Chapter 25. The story is coming together and I am pleased about that.

I've been working on the cover in between writing so everything will be ready at the same time to publish. I haven't done much on my children's book yet because I'm stuck for now but will get back to it once Saphira is finished and up on Amazon and other formats.

Well time to get back to work. Will do my best to be back with an update, and hopefully a book finished and going into edits.

Have a safe and happy Labor Day!

Friday, August 16, 2024

 Okay, I know my telling you I'd be here more. Sorry but I was busy having cataract surgery on both eyes then recovery time so seeing into a computer wasn't so easy.  All is good now and healed. I just saw my eye doctor and only need reading glasses for up close like computer use. I have ordered several and they will be here tomorrow.

Now as to my book. Well I have slowly been working on it during this time in short periods now having started Chapter 23. I will try my best to be here with more updates. Yes, I will put in my calendar to write here more.

I had put on D2D to publish my book in October so we will see how it goes over the next several weeks.

Summer is ending and for many school will be starting or already has begun. I am looking at what courses are scheduled for this fall/winter so I can have something to do after publishing Saphira.

I will be back on August 31st for more updates. Below is Madison's blue creation that wasn't great for her experiments, so she thought.