Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I have taken several days to do all my revisions and now am ready to get back to work on my novel.  I have set aside a minimum of three hours a day to just write for the next month and see how far it takes me.

I am also currently registered in a few classes which will assist me in better quality work and one course that will just be writing for fun.

Once I get further into the novel I will share a short section with you, and I would appreciate your comments, good or bad as everything will help me make it stronger.

Well time to run, stuff to do, then a little time to relax.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I have found a new inspiration to help move me forward in the chapters of my novel.  For a while things seemed to be all over the place but now my direction is clear.

After I watched several stories and read many articles about my subject matter, my characters became clearer and my writing better.  I am close to 12,000 words.  My goal is to produce between 30,000 and 50,000 words.

I am going to write each day until my fingers ache or the brain goes dull then will persist onward.  I will also be working on a series of Children's Books.  They take more time as I like to fill them with great illustrations.