Friday, August 18, 2017


This month is beginning to be very productive.  I still haven't heard back from the agent, but she has stopped accepting queries until she catches up. Her load must be extensive as she has taken the rest of this week off from her busy schedule.

UPDATE:  Cedric and Melissa is now available to read  free with Kindle Unlimited from Amazon. This will be available for only 90 days. Make sure to check out this book about Snowy Owls and Polar Bears for your kids. This is an easy read for children from Grade 2 to Grade 6, but is an informational book for people of all ages.

Also, check out Amazon, during the month of September, as there will be a three week promotion lowering the purchase price for the Kindle Version of Cedric and Melissa. This book is also available in paperback.

I am making progress on my current project, Andy and Sage Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore.  I had to chase Sage all over the pages of the book this week, but I have finally found the right page for her to settle onto.

I have all my pictures now inserted in the book and just have to complete the story.

Lastly, I have also started to work on another Children's Book about a young girl and a special clock. More to come on that in the coming months.