Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Hi everyone. Well the month of February has not been kind to me.  My computer stopped working a week after my last post so was unable to work.  I have since purchased a new computer and am finally back up and writing.  My current count is around 22,000 words.

Fortunately, I have a habit of emailing my work for the day to myself so didn't lose any of my work up to the day the computer decided to shut down on a Wednesday night and not wake back up the next morning.

   I will work extra hard during the month of March to catch up. I was achieving my 2,000 words a day goal so will have to increase that number a bit.

 Do not lose faith. This will be coming out this summer. Release date to be published at a later time.


Hard To Cross will be story that is life changing for Coleman so be ready to read it.

Well, I better get back to work. I'll be back mid-month to give you an update. Everyone stay safe.