Monday, January 31, 2022


 I can't believe it is already the end of January.  Another month gone so fast.  I've been working mainly on 'Hard To Cross' and have gotten to the end of Chapter 12 after several revisions to Chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11.  I'm currently around 17,000 words.

My goal for the month of February is to try and write at least 2,000 words per day from Monday to Friday.  The weekend days will be to do normal things like groceries, etc.

If I am able to reach my goal it should give me around 60,000 words and maybe enough for the book to be ready to send out to my editor.  If I don't get there then it will continue into the first part of March.  I am working towards a mid-July date to publish so better get cracking.

For those who want to check out all the books I have available they can be found on this blog page.  I will have a lot of work to do once the manuscript is completed because I have just put up something for the blurb and back cover but all tht needs to be written in it's correct form.

Example of back cover to date: All subject to revision. What is there will give you an idea of what this book is about.

See you all at the end of February.  Wish me luck with my challenge!  More to come later on my next children's book.

Monday, January 17, 2022


 Hope everyone had a safe holiday season.  I got to relax a bit but am now back to work on both my new books.  First of all, I have changed the cover for my next children's book and hope you like it.  The story is going at a slower pace than I want but that's all about creativity issues.  Hope you like the new face of Rian.

As for my novel, I have been rewriting several chapters and now am back on track with the story.  I hope you all stay safe with the crazy weather all over the world.

Time to get to work.  I will be back at the end of the month with another update!