Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Final 2022 post!

I know that I haven't been here since October but there is a good reason for that. I have been working hard on my 3rd edit of 'Hard To Cross' and soon it will be available for you to read it. I just wanted to touch base with everyone to wish you Happy Holidays to everyone.

I know all the snow is an issue for some but just remember that soon you will again see the cherry blossoms on the trees.

I will be back in 2023 to give you the exact date for the release of the book and where I will be going next.


Monday, October 24, 2022


 Today I will finish the first draft of Hard To Cross (The Coleman O'Sullivan Story). As editing is a very involved process you will probably not hear from me for a while. I have a tentative date for release of November 16, 2022 but it will be subject to change depending on the length of the editing process.



Will see you again on November 1, 2022 to update you on my progress and if the release date will stay the same. At that time, if all goes good, I will be able to set up a pre-order for the e-book version everywhere.

Have a great Trick or Treat time with the kids.

Saturday, September 17, 2022


 Just a quick update to let you know that I am making progress but many life events have slowed me down. Now that all of that is taken care of I can put all my focus back on writing.  I only have a couple ore chapters to have my first draft completed and ready for editing.

Will see you all at the end of the month and another update on where the next two weeks have taken me.

Thursday, September 1, 2022


Another month has past and, yes, I have been writing but just not as much as I wanted to. I only have a few chapters to write for my book before the first edit starts. That, hopefully, will be soon. I am looking at a mid-October release date, but how extensive the edits may be could delay that timing.

Now that most of the extreme heat has past and it has gotten more fall like weather, it's easier to concentrate on my job. I haven't done anything more on my children's book but will go back to that once the editing starts on the novel.


Not everyone lives alone on an island, but Coleman has for over five years. Would this be a life you would choose? Maybe there is a good reason Coleman chose this lifestyle. Once the book is out everyone will be able to find out.

Well, best get back to work. I will return in two weeks to let you know if the deal is done and the editing has begun.

Enjoy your time safely over the Labor Day weekend!

Sunday, July 31, 2022


 Hello readers. I did some writing since our last posting and have finished to Chapter 24 and start of Chapter 25. I am now looking at a possible release date in early September for "Hard To Cross" and will update after editing is complete.

I will also get more work done on my children's book so it will be ready for purchase shortly before the Christmas holiday.

Well back to the words so you will be able to get this book soon. Hope everyone is having a great summer.

Sunday, July 3, 2022


First I have to say HAPPY CANADA DAY to all my readers in Canada and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all my readers in the US.

I have been writing again and am at 22,762 words and have finished up to Chapter 21 in my novel 'Hard To Cross'. I have set a date to be finished writing for July 31, 2022 and then will start the difficult task of editing. I hope to be able to have a publishing date near the middle of August but the edit process may slow that down.

I will also try to get some work done on my children's book and am looking at a completion date of September 10th with the rest of the month for editing purposes. I hope to get the children's book out for some time in October.


There will be another update at the end of July so you can see if I have met my writing deadline. Hope everyone has a fun and safe summer.


Monday, June 6, 2022


 Hi everyone,

I  have put together a small book with all my prompt writings over the past two plus years while having to remain at home with the lock-downs.  A couple of them have already been made into actual books that I have published.  The names are noted within the book. A few others are in the works from these prompts.

I did this so others who are interested in writing can see that by setting a time limit and just free writing about a short prompt (available from several sources like Reedsy), You will be amazed what comes through your fingers during these times.

My book is available for pre-order right now at only $2.99 everywhere and the release date is June 8, 2022. The paperback will be available only on Amazon on June 8, 2022 for $6.50. The paperback is only 132 pages long but there is so much love and frustration within it to enjoy.

I have resumed writing again on my other two books to be out within the next few months.  Watch for my next post at the end of June 2022.

Thursday, April 7, 2022


 Sorry I missed my last post. I have some personal issues going on so had to take a short break. I will get back to work soon so stay tuned. 

Timing for my two books is still for this summer so be patient with me.  Those to look forward to are pictured below.



I have enough done on both of these two books to reach my slated goal release dates on time.


Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Hi everyone. Well the month of February has not been kind to me.  My computer stopped working a week after my last post so was unable to work.  I have since purchased a new computer and am finally back up and writing.  My current count is around 22,000 words.

Fortunately, I have a habit of emailing my work for the day to myself so didn't lose any of my work up to the day the computer decided to shut down on a Wednesday night and not wake back up the next morning.

   I will work extra hard during the month of March to catch up. I was achieving my 2,000 words a day goal so will have to increase that number a bit.

 Do not lose faith. This will be coming out this summer. Release date to be published at a later time.


Hard To Cross will be story that is life changing for Coleman so be ready to read it.

Well, I better get back to work. I'll be back mid-month to give you an update. Everyone stay safe.

Monday, January 31, 2022


 I can't believe it is already the end of January.  Another month gone so fast.  I've been working mainly on 'Hard To Cross' and have gotten to the end of Chapter 12 after several revisions to Chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11.  I'm currently around 17,000 words.

My goal for the month of February is to try and write at least 2,000 words per day from Monday to Friday.  The weekend days will be to do normal things like groceries, etc.

If I am able to reach my goal it should give me around 60,000 words and maybe enough for the book to be ready to send out to my editor.  If I don't get there then it will continue into the first part of March.  I am working towards a mid-July date to publish so better get cracking.

For those who want to check out all the books I have available they can be found on this blog page.  I will have a lot of work to do once the manuscript is completed because I have just put up something for the blurb and back cover but all tht needs to be written in it's correct form.

Example of back cover to date: All subject to revision. What is there will give you an idea of what this book is about.

See you all at the end of February.  Wish me luck with my challenge!  More to come later on my next children's book.

Monday, January 17, 2022


 Hope everyone had a safe holiday season.  I got to relax a bit but am now back to work on both my new books.  First of all, I have changed the cover for my next children's book and hope you like it.  The story is going at a slower pace than I want but that's all about creativity issues.  Hope you like the new face of Rian.

As for my novel, I have been rewriting several chapters and now am back on track with the story.  I hope you all stay safe with the crazy weather all over the world.

Time to get to work.  I will be back at the end of the month with another update!