Friday, December 25, 2015

Paperback Book

Happy Holidays.  My paperback book..Time With Sara is now available on Amazon Canada for $14.61.  You can order it now and it will be shipped once printed.

Once you click on the link type in 'Time With Sara ' and it will bring up a list with the paperback book and all three separate kindle edition digital books.

Will be back with updates on Josephine in the new year.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


I have finalize all the details and the print book of the 'Time With Sara' Series is available for you to purchase both on Amazon Europe sites and Createspace.  The links for and Createspace are listed below for your convenience.

I am putting the cover at the top of the books shown on the side with the CreateSpace link only.  It will take you directly to the purchase cart site and they will ship it directly to you.

If you go to the Amazon sites you will have to type in the Search Box - Time With Sara.  That will bring up the three digital books available plus the paperback version of all three combined.

The print version will not be available on the Canadian Amazon site for 6 to 8 weeks.  I do not know what the price will be once it comes up in Canada because it depends on the exchange rate.  The book is priced in US dollars on both and the CreateSpace site.  On the European sites it will be priced appropriately based on you currency.

I will inform you once it is available on the Canadian Amazon site and the cost.  Now time to focus on the upcoming holidays and will be back here in the new year.  Have a good holiday season.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Hi fellow writers and readers.  I just want to inform all of you that I am working on putting all three books of 'Time with Sara' into one book for both print and digital.  The work is almost completed and will soon be up on Amazon and other locations in print form only for now.

It will first be up on for purchase and in about six weeks after that it will be made available to several international sites. The digital version will be on hold until the end of February 2016 due to the individual books being locked in on KDP Select until February 13, 2016.

The book is called 'Time With Sara'.  Series One, Two and Three*boxed together.  I will put the links up on the site to various places you will also be able to purchase the print version from as this is being printed by CreateSpace.

Monday, November 16, 2015


I am so pleased to let you know that my third and final book in the series 'Time with Sara' has just been released to Amazon Worldwide for purchase and download.  I have put a link on the photo of all three covers that will take you directly to  From there you can get to the Amazon link for your country in order to purchase my books.


This story is about a girl named Sara who goes on a magical adventure with a new friend she met named Elsie, who is a snow mouse.  They take a journey to the North Pole where she meets up with Santa and a lot of her friends from 'Sara's Magic World', Book One in 'Time with Sara'.  The purpose of this trip is to convince the children of the world to write letters to Santa Claus once more.

I know that in many places in the world he is know by different names and has a different look, but I believe he is still the same magical figure we all grew up with, regardless of his name or what he looks like.

The holiday season is a special one for me.  I have so many great memories while growing up during this time.  My greatest joy is seeing the look on the young children's faces as they open their gifts on Christmas morning.

I hope everyone is also able to enjoy the holiday season with family and friends.  This time of year is not about what or how much you get, but what you give to others. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015


We have finally reached the month of November 2015. That means there are only fifty-three more days until Christmas.  Book Three in 'Time with Sara' is progressing along very well.  I am working hard in order to have it published on Amazon by December 1, 2015 at the latest.  If it goes up sooner I will let everyone know.

My fiction novel is also progressing well.  Some of the manuscript is being reviewed by objective other writers in order to get feedback.  Good or bad feedback is always beneficial to any writer so we can get it right.  It is always helpful to get other peoples take on what we have written because sometimes 'we the writers lose focus about what you the readers are looking for in a story'.

I have completed one of my classes and will soon be finished with the second one in a couple of weeks.  This will free me up to just write until my next class which doesn't start until mid-January 2016.

Now it's time to return to writing.  I will be back here as soon as Book Three in 'Time with Sara' is published to notify you and add the required link to Amazon so you can purchase it.  Also, I will update the final cover because there is still a question about what the correct title should be.

See you all soon.

Monday, October 19, 2015


My two children's books are doing well, and I am pleased with the sales.  I have started working on 'Time with Sara*Book Three', and it's starting to look a lot like Christmas.  You will find in this book all the character's from book one and book two plus a couple of new special characters added.

I am still working hard on 'Josephine' and things are starting to come together.  I have a lot more work to do before it will be complete, but it is so much fun.

I am current taking two writing classes at Western University, and that takes up a bit of my time but not too much.  I should have at least a book cover on my children's book for you to see by the end of October.

Will be here again on October 31st, and I might bring along a few ghosts and ghouls to share with you, see you then.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Today is a great day.  I now have my second book, 'Sara Meets Dizzy', available to purchase on Amazon.  If you click on the pictures for 'Sara's Magic World' or 'Sara Meets Dizzy' you will be taken directly to which is the Canadian site.  If you live in another country you can then change the Amazon site to your country before you purchase the books.  My books are available on Amazon worldwide.

It has been an enjoyable task creating these children's books, but now it's time to dig deep and finish my fiction novel 'Josephine' so that everyone can enjoy it too.

I have returned to classes in order to learn how to become a better writer.  You will be hearing from me soon with an update on the progress of the novel. In late October, I will put up some information about Book Three in the children's series,'Time with Sara'.  I haven't decided on a title yet, but it definitely will have something to do with Christmas.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

New Book Available Soon

As you know, I have been working on a new Children's Book and have put up a copy of the cover.  This book is almost complete and will be available soon on Amazon Worldwide.  I have all the text completed and am just finishing up the photos.  This book is a story about when Sara  meets a kitten named Dizzy.

In my last post, I uploaded the new cover and title for my novel.  The writing on that is moving along pretty good.  I have passed the 20,000 word mark and am delighted about that.  The next few weeks will be all about getting the Children's book ready for sale, and to try and reach 30,000 words on the novel before I return to classes in late September.

That's all for now friends.  I will let you know when Sara Meets Dizzy is available for sale so that you can buy it.  I will then put in the link on the site.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Well I have been working hard and there are a few changes.  The novel I'm working on has a new title and book cover so tell me what you think about it.  Does it relate better to the short blurb I posted earlier?

I have put a picture of the new cover here on the site for comments.  I also have been working on a second Children's Book and will update you on that soon.  Now time to get back to work.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

My Summer

Well the school year is over for me.  I will resume classes in September, and I now will spend my summer writing.  My aim is to either complete my first full draft, or be close to it before my first class on September 23, 2015.

I still have not received any comments about the short item I posted from the book.  This disappoints me, so I will soon try another method to obtain feedback.

I will try to get this blog out to a larger audience on this and other social media sites.

I will not be returning to this page until September 1st to let you know how my progress is going.  If you have any questions or comments, I will be notified from the site so please feel free to respond.

Thank You,

"Now on to intense writing."

Friday, May 15, 2015


Well now that classes are over until the fall it is time to write.  I plan to get a great deal accomplished over the next three months on my novel.  I have put  a couple of paragraphs below for you to get a short view into "Josephine."  I hope you will give me feedback on what you think.

I have been busy getting other life things out of the way so there will be full concentration on writing for several hours each day.  Yesterday I spent just proofreading and doing grammar corrections on the first couple of chapters and believe they are in order.  I can now move forward with completing the remaining chapters.

As I began to slip into a deep depressive state, I had my second husband removed, with the help of law enforcement, from our home.  Within a few months, lost in alcohol every day, I agreed to return the children we adopted back to the agency to get proper care and counseling.

I’ve lost everything; two families, two marriages, my job, my apartment but most of all myself.   I now am staying with friends until I can figure out how to put my life back together.
So now tell me what you think of the above two paragraphs and if you would continue to read from there.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Working Hard

I know it has been a while since I've been here, but the work has been hard in Grammar class.  I am finally getting to figure out how to make my manuscript grammatically correct, hopefully.

I am still writing,and have reached the 15,000 word mark. I have hopes of getting to 20,000 in the next couple of weeks.

I know everyone is anxious to see a short clip of my story, but be patient. It will be on here soon.

I have been keeping an eye out on purchases of my short children's book that is available on Amazon.  Thank you to those who have already purchased a copy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I have taken several days to do all my revisions and now am ready to get back to work on my novel.  I have set aside a minimum of three hours a day to just write for the next month and see how far it takes me.

I am also currently registered in a few classes which will assist me in better quality work and one course that will just be writing for fun.

Once I get further into the novel I will share a short section with you, and I would appreciate your comments, good or bad as everything will help me make it stronger.

Well time to run, stuff to do, then a little time to relax.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I have found a new inspiration to help move me forward in the chapters of my novel.  For a while things seemed to be all over the place but now my direction is clear.

After I watched several stories and read many articles about my subject matter, my characters became clearer and my writing better.  I am close to 12,000 words.  My goal is to produce between 30,000 and 50,000 words.

I am going to write each day until my fingers ache or the brain goes dull then will persist onward.  I will also be working on a series of Children's Books.  They take more time as I like to fill them with great illustrations.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


My first accomplishment as a writer is "Sara's Magic World" which is posted on the right and can be accessed on Amazon world wide.  It is currently set up only for Kindle readers or apps that are available on your devices.

You can get to the Amazon site for Canada by clicking on the Book Cover Photo and then you can get to your own countries site from there after you sign in if you want to purchase it.  If that is too complicated then just go into your country's Amazon site as you usually do and search for the books title.

The book is a short Children's Story with pictures about a young girl's dream of her being able to see and do things that are not normal as she, in her waking life, is in a wheelchair.

I am a beginning writer and have started slow but am working towards a more rewarding career with my beginning novel "Twisted Corners."

I will keep you up to date on the progress of my writing from time to time and also post other information as it becomes available.