Thursday, January 23, 2020


I have both Facebook and Amazon Ads now turned on.  The Facebook one has the following picture on it directing you to my this blog:

I let it go the first few days Worldwide and it picked up over 23 million people reached and a lot more clicks to the blog, but all in foreign countries.  This morning I redid the locations to see if the North American audience is just as receptive.  I also adjusted the age group that showed more traffic so far both men and women.

For my Amazon Ad, I picked book one of the trilogy to introduce it to those not aware of my trilogy or who this new author is all about.  That book is:

So far I didn't find the Amazon one doing much with only 21 postings but no clicks so far.  It is set up to send those who click directly to the Amazon,com purchase page to consider if they would like to purchase it or not.

I will let you know next time how it went.  So if you see either of these pictures come up on your Facebook, Messenger, Amazon or Instagram page they are mine.

Sunday, January 19, 2020


The last two weeks have been good for writing.  Some days I didn't meet my 2,000 words but on others exceeded the number so it averaged out okay.  Now that winter has made itself noticed, I will be able to concentrate more on my writing.

Today I set up an ad on Amazon US.  It is in review and should be up in a couple of days.  If you are checking out my books there watch for it.  It is for Book 1 of my Windy Haven Trilogy.

I will be setting one up tomorrow on Facebook to promote all of my Windy Haven Trilogy books.  I will also be working on setting up the Pre-Order for Book 3 both on Amazon and all other vendors like Apple Books, Nook, etc.  Both of those will also go to review for 24 to 72 hours before becoming live.  I will come back and let you know when they are all up.

I have been working a bit on my new children's book and think the cover is finally completed.  What do you think?  It's about a Mason Bee and Honeybee who meet and learn about the differences between them.

 Well must get back to the keyboard and chapters for both the children's book and adult fiction one.  Once the ads and Pre-Order are visual, I will post here again to let you know where to find them.

Sunday, January 5, 2020


I hope everyone had a great holiday season.  I enjoyed the rest, but am ready to get back to work.

I will let you know once the new Children's Book is ready and both front and back covers are completed.  I am looking towards an early summer finish date where it will be available for purchase.

This month I will be running some ads on both Amazon and Facebook for Sia: Screams in the Night (Windy Haven Trilogy - Book 1) and Willow: Family Betrayal (Windy Haven Trilogy - Book 2) of the trilogy.  There will also be a Pre-order set up for the e-book on both Amazon and outlets like Kobo, Apple Books, and several others for Jade: The Guardian (Windy Haven Trilogy - Book 3)

Below are the covers for all three books so you will know what to look for.  If you want to order from Amazon just click on the picture to the right on this site.  I will put up the link for Book 3 once the Pre-order is set up.

 My word count for Book 3 will increase from 1,000 a day to 2,000 a day so I can have more time for the editor to review.  I am currently over the 20,000 words threshold.  See you in a couple of weeks.  Happy Shopping!!