Monday, November 16, 2015


I am so pleased to let you know that my third and final book in the series 'Time with Sara' has just been released to Amazon Worldwide for purchase and download.  I have put a link on the photo of all three covers that will take you directly to  From there you can get to the Amazon link for your country in order to purchase my books.


This story is about a girl named Sara who goes on a magical adventure with a new friend she met named Elsie, who is a snow mouse.  They take a journey to the North Pole where she meets up with Santa and a lot of her friends from 'Sara's Magic World', Book One in 'Time with Sara'.  The purpose of this trip is to convince the children of the world to write letters to Santa Claus once more.

I know that in many places in the world he is know by different names and has a different look, but I believe he is still the same magical figure we all grew up with, regardless of his name or what he looks like.

The holiday season is a special one for me.  I have so many great memories while growing up during this time.  My greatest joy is seeing the look on the young children's faces as they open their gifts on Christmas morning.

I hope everyone is also able to enjoy the holiday season with family and friends.  This time of year is not about what or how much you get, but what you give to others. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015


We have finally reached the month of November 2015. That means there are only fifty-three more days until Christmas.  Book Three in 'Time with Sara' is progressing along very well.  I am working hard in order to have it published on Amazon by December 1, 2015 at the latest.  If it goes up sooner I will let everyone know.

My fiction novel is also progressing well.  Some of the manuscript is being reviewed by objective other writers in order to get feedback.  Good or bad feedback is always beneficial to any writer so we can get it right.  It is always helpful to get other peoples take on what we have written because sometimes 'we the writers lose focus about what you the readers are looking for in a story'.

I have completed one of my classes and will soon be finished with the second one in a couple of weeks.  This will free me up to just write until my next class which doesn't start until mid-January 2016.

Now it's time to return to writing.  I will be back here as soon as Book Three in 'Time with Sara' is published to notify you and add the required link to Amazon so you can purchase it.  Also, I will update the final cover because there is still a question about what the correct title should be.

See you all soon.