Friday, February 26, 2021


 Well it has been an interesting month.  I finished the manuscript for "Haven House" and have now sent it to the editor.  It won't be returned until April 5th so have started to work on my next book "Hard To Cross" and will work on that until I see what needs to be fixed as per my editor.

"Hard To Cross" is a story about the trials and tribulations of a young man, Colman O'Sullivan, who at a very early age becomes a recluse.  The book will be about all the challenges he faces in trying to get back to a normal life.

The water on this cover signifies how difficult it will be for Coleman to go from his recluse life to the one he envisions on the other side that everyone calls normal behavior. 

But, does he want to change the life he now lives?  Will a relationship change his mind?  You will be able to find all the answers to these questions once you are able to purchase and read the book.

 I have also been taking a look at my next Children's Book about a young girl and her love for hats.  It will allow the young readers to spend some time with my character and find out what happens when she puts on a new hat and why.

This one is a little tricky because I will have to take my mind to the young age of this character.  If I write it like an adult the young early readers may not understand the words. So simple is the way to go.

Hope everyone is staying safe and either have been vaccinated or will be in the near future.  Until next time in mid-March 2021.