Sunday, July 31, 2016


It is the last day of July and all good. I am working hard and my progress is moving forward each day. I have completed several more chapters, and believe I can be finished by August 30th as planned.

I hope you all have had an opportunity to read, AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BLOG FEED, the beginning of my novel "Josephine", or have checked out my current books, or my Author Central page on Amazon.

The sale of my books are still going pretty good so that is great, but I know many more young children would enjoy the stories.

I have started to work on another children's picture book about the journey of a couple of very young ants. The title currently is called, "Andy and Sage."

Well time is a ticking so my writing fingers need to start clicking.  I will be back on August 30th to let you know if I have made my deadline.  If anything else comes up that I believe would be of interest to my readers, I will be back before August 30th so watch for it.