Saturday, February 21, 2015


My first accomplishment as a writer is "Sara's Magic World" which is posted on the right and can be accessed on Amazon world wide.  It is currently set up only for Kindle readers or apps that are available on your devices.

You can get to the Amazon site for Canada by clicking on the Book Cover Photo and then you can get to your own countries site from there after you sign in if you want to purchase it.  If that is too complicated then just go into your country's Amazon site as you usually do and search for the books title.

The book is a short Children's Story with pictures about a young girl's dream of her being able to see and do things that are not normal as she, in her waking life, is in a wheelchair.

I am a beginning writer and have started slow but am working towards a more rewarding career with my beginning novel "Twisted Corners."

I will keep you up to date on the progress of my writing from time to time and also post other information as it becomes available.