Saturday, June 29, 2019


Hello Everyone.  I did miss the 15th of June posting as I was preparing for a trip and had a lot of medical appointments to complete, so I apologize.  I am back home and getting back to work on my writing and a few minor revisions on the chapters for Willow: Family Betrayal (Windy Haven Trilogy book 2).  

While I was away there was a lot of time to reflect on what my character was going to do, and her direction to achieve her end goal.  It was difficult to try and think like a fourteen year old, but I believe I have figured it out.

I will also be going back to working on my new children's book in a few weeks and will let you know the new pre-order and publishing dates in mid July.  I hope everyone has been able to review the books currently available.  All of the children's Kindle version books are still on Kindle Unlimited for the next few months to read for free if you have subscribed to it.  The paperback books are predominately available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but have also reached a few other outlets so check yours out.

My fiction novels for adults, Josephine: Out of the Darkness Into the Light and Sia: Screams in the Night (Windy Haven Trilogy Book 1) are available  in paperback from Amazon and a few other vendors, but the e-book is available everywhere for all of your devices.

All my books are available from Barnes & Noble in both versions. Below are my most recent books for adults and children so check them out.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


My writing has been distracted by the tornado events in Ohio at the end of the holiday that affected some of my family members.  Now that it has been confirmed everyone is safe the writing will be escalated over the next couple of weeks to catch up.

I am in the middle of the book so many things are about to take place leading the reader to new information about my main character and some of the events that happened during the previous four years.  Okay, no more hints.

I will come back on the 15th of June just before I start to travel in the United States to visit family members. I will have some quiet time to write while there so there will be no delays in reaching my November deadline.

Until then may everyone stay out of harms way.  My deepest prayers for the victims and families of those who died and were injured by the active shooter in Virginia Beach.