Friday, June 30, 2017


Welcome to Summer. I'm so glad we here in Canada can enjoy this warmer time of the year.  I have submitted a query to an agent for my book and now I will wait for a response.

I have not been just sitting around.  The new Children's book is coming along at a good pace.  I bet you're all curious as to what it will be about.  Well,,,,,, Here's a small hint!!!

What do you think are the names of theses two characters? What are your thoughts about where they are, and what they might be doing?

I will leave it there for now. Once the book is completed and ready for publication, I will make an announcement with a copy of the book cover and where you can purchase it.

Back to work for me, but I hope all of you are enjoying a bit of vacation time. I will be back in a couple of weeks with more on any word from the agent and an update on my new works.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Well, the warm weather is upon us. I like this time of year as everything turns green, the birds are singing, and children are playing. Summer is also an excellent opportunity to spend reading to your children, or them reading to you. Be sure to check out my books, which are available on Amazon Worldwide, which you can link to from this site.

I have only one more chapter of Josephine to re-edit. Once that is finished, I will submit my story to an agent. The response time will be between 8 and 12 weeks.  I am hopeful about this venture.

If it doesn't work out, I still have the option to self-publish through Amazon. One way or the other, you will, in time, be able to buy my book.

I will spend the next couple of months working on my new Children's book. In about a month, I will have more details for you on the title and storyline. This will keep me busy while I wait to hear back from the agent.

I will be back at the end of the month to update you on my progress.