Sunday, November 27, 2016

Final Cover-Front and Back

Most of the work is completed for my new Children's book.  The final cover is below, both front and back.

I should have my novel manuscript back from being edited at the end of this week, and then I will begin the work on the first edits and re-submit it for a second review at the end of December.

                                                           FRONT COVER

                                                        BACK COVER


Monday, November 7, 2016


If you go back to the previous post, Welcome to November 2016, you will see that I changed the picture for the second book I am working on.

I also changed the picture and title for Josephine on the right side of the blog. It is now called Haunted By Her Past. This is only temporary as we are working on creating a new cover and title that fits the story that is enclosed in the novel.  Let me know if you like the new temporary cover.

The children's stories are coming together as I write each day to perfect them.  If there are anymore changes I will let you know.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Today is the first day of November.  Currently I am hard at work on two new children's stories.

The first book Andy and Sage's Visit to Ant Hill Bookstore is about two young ants who when going to the bookstore get lost.  As they try to find their way a lot of scary and unfamiliar challenges get in the way.
(Temporary cover picture)

The second book Melissa Meets Cedric is a story told by a young Snowy Owl and a young Polar Bear. She questions her parents on who she is and what is unique about their lifestyle and they do the same with Cedric's parents..
(Temporary cover picture)

I am on watch for my novel to come back from the editor but I know that will probably not be until the new year.  Now time to get back to work.  Once I have the final covers completed I will update the ones shown above.  This month will be very busy for me so will see you again at the end of November.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I know I haven't been on here for a while and I apologize.  Over the past few weeks, I have been moving to my new apartment and all electronics were boxed. I am so pleased to now have everything back up and working.

During that time I wasn't able to finish the work on my manuscript.  Now I have completed the last few areas that I wasn't comfortable with.  I started my own review and editing process on the printed version I had, and updated the changes so I could submit it to a professional service.

Off it goes today. It will be several weeks before I get feedback from them.  While I wait, anxiously, I will work on my next children's stories for completion by early December so they will be available for sale during the pre-Christmas season.

I was pleased to see many of you are visiting my site to see where "Josephine" is heading and, what I have been up to. Let me know you have been here and what you think.  Write a comment. Add your email address in the section on the right side of my page to get a copy when I write.

I will be back at the end of October to update you on what is going on, and I might give a short preview of the stories I will be working on.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Well it has been a long journey to get to this place, but here I am.  My first draft is almost complete. I will be sending it off to be edited SHORTLY.  This is a very scary prospect because a few strangers will be reading my words.  I always knew, at some point, this had to happen in order to get a great story. Before I publish the book, I know with all my heart this step is very important.

Having read and re-read this manuscript so many times, I believe my objectivity is no longer present.  Some parts have been read by friends. I'm sure they have not been entirely objective, as none of them would want to  hurt my feelings.

While I wait for the editors comments, etc. I will work on my next Children's Book.  Once I get the manuscript back then I will be into working on, I'm sure, the many changes or adjustments required.

I'll be back with an update on both "Josephine" and my new projects sometime in late September.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, and to the parents anxious for school to begin once more, it will be soon.

Sunday, July 31, 2016


It is the last day of July and all good. I am working hard and my progress is moving forward each day. I have completed several more chapters, and believe I can be finished by August 30th as planned.

I hope you all have had an opportunity to read, AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BLOG FEED, the beginning of my novel "Josephine", or have checked out my current books, or my Author Central page on Amazon.

The sale of my books are still going pretty good so that is great, but I know many more young children would enjoy the stories.

I have started to work on another children's picture book about the journey of a couple of very young ants. The title currently is called, "Andy and Sage."

Well time is a ticking so my writing fingers need to start clicking.  I will be back on August 30th to let you know if I have made my deadline.  If anything else comes up that I believe would be of interest to my readers, I will be back before August 30th so watch for it.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Hi Everyone.

Well June 30th is here and I haven't finished my manuscript yet.  You see something happened earlier in the week and because of that my ability to work was halted. My computer died so I went and bought a new one, but now I have to re-install all my software and files.

I am extending my deadline to August 30, 2016 and that is the final deadline date.  I will work even if I have to resort to going to the library to use their computers, or borrow someone else's laptop.

Sales of my children's books are going well so I'm pleased about that.  Once I get back on track;  I'll be able to also work on my next children's book.

I'll be back at the end of July with an update and maybe, just maybe, things will start back in the right direction, and it is possible that I could finish "Josephine" sooner.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


I have added a link for you to my Amazon Author Central page in the top right section.  For all who are not aware . . . if you click on any of the images on the left side of the blog it will take you to the link that corresponds with it.

If you have time just click on my picture under the title Author Central and it will take you to my page.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


It is now the last day of May, and I have been writing and editing since my previous post. I am at a point of exhaustion so will be taking a short break at the beginning of June to visit family. As I prepare for my journey, I am consumed with memories of their times of heartbreak. It humbles me to know I am a part of who they are and have become. When I write, remembering their lives is what keeps me going.

Josephine is a very deep and complicated story about a young woman who is lost and desperate to put the past behind her. Writing about this character brings to light many events in my life that I have been able to overcome. It reminds me that many other women in the world have endured the things my character has gone through and worse.

Their strength humbles me. We are all born into this world small and innocent, but life and situations change who we are. My goal in life is to be the best me that I can be.

Below is a quote my character Josephine (Josie) wrote during one of her times of despair and will be on the back cover of the book.

"I loved you all so much, but I failed.
I did all I knew possible to protect you, but it was never enough.
I gave everything I had, every part of me that was good, but it always turned out bad.
I am lost, you are lost, we are forever lost, but will always be together."

In regards to other projects I am working on. I have started a couple of children’s stories for the fall, and also have begun work on a memoir about someone who was very special in my life.

I will return at the end of June and let you know if my goal of getting my first draft of Josephine completed by June 30th was reached. Have a safe summer!!

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Hi Everyone.  I took the beginning of Josephine and have placed it at the very bottom of the blog for those who haven't had an opportunity to read it yet.

I have also redesigned the blog with two side sections. The left side is for my book titles that are published and available for purchase.  If you want to check out any of them,  either click or touch the book cover and it will take you either to Amazon or CreateSpace.

The right side will show any project I'm currently working on and all the other useful items for my readers. Like the link to translate to your own language, or my page counter, or the place where you can either be a follower by e-mail or join the site so that every time I post something you will know.

I attended the workshop with Brian Henry on April 16, 2016 and it was a great learning experience.  We did a writing exercise about something that happened in your past for a memoir book and mine was fun.  I wrote about something from when I was very young. I hope to attend more of his workshops in the future.

I hope you find my new design easier to get around.  From time to time I will do this as my catalog becomes larger so it will never be dull.  Well time to get back to writing.  I will probably not return for a couple of weeks, but you never know, it may be sooner.

Friday, April 15, 2016


I have been working hard on Josephine and it is starting to look much better.  I will be attending a Writing Workshop on Saturday, April 16, 2016 called Writing Your Life given by Mr. Brian Henry who has a great background in the writing field.  If you want to learn more about Mr. Henry and where his workshops will be located click on the link below.

After I complete and publish Josephine, I want to write a memoir about the people who have been the biggest influences in my life.

Well time is money so have to get back to my writing.  I will be back on May 1st to remove the peek of my story from the top of the page, but I will place it somewhere on the blog for those who haven't read it yet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I have just updated the post regarding my preview section of Josephine. You will now find it at the very beginning of my page for your convenience and so it is easier to read. The entire section has also been updated to the finished version.

Monday, March 14, 2016


Now that I have finally completed my studies in Creative Writing there will be exclusive time available. I will use every minute of it to write, write, write.

I hope you all enjoyed the preview of my upcoming novel Josephine, but I didn't see any comments. If you have a few moments, go to the bottom of this post and submit them. They will be greatly appreciated.

There is a section on the side bar where you can put in your e-mail address and whenever I post something you will get a copy sent to you directly.

Will be back in April with an update on how things are going and what progress I have on the novel. I will also, later this year, be writing Children's Stories once more for those of you who have young ones in your family.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


This is just an update regarding my children's book.  Yesterday I uploaded the 'Time With Sara' file to Amazon's Kindle Edition.  It is now available to purchase both in paperback and Kindle version for your convenience.

Just a note:  Each of the stories is available individually in the Kindle Edition or you can purchase the three stories at one time either in paperback from Amazon, CreateSpace, Barnes & Noble or the Kindle Editions of all from Amazon.

Monday, February 1, 2016


February 1, 2016 has finally arrived. I have put up a peek at part of Chapter One of my novel 'Josephine' for you to read. You will find it right at the top of my page.  It is titled: CHAPTER ONE PEEK-JOSEPHINE

I hope everyone enjoys this part of Chapter One and will look forward to when the completed manuscript is published.  I know it is a long wait but I promise you it will be worth it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Hi Everyone.  I am now back in classes and things are moving along well.  I have been working hard on my revisions in 'Josephine' and you can look for a special peek at a chapter on February 1, 2016.

My sales for the children's book have been doing well and hope many of you, now that the holiday spending is over, will be able to check out the print book 'Time With Sara' or any of the digital ones on Amazon.

See you shortly with a surprise peek at 'Josephine'.

Friday, January 8, 2016


This is just to inform everyone that 'Time With Sara' is now available for purchase on several Book Store's websites like Barnes and Noble so check out your local bookstore and see if you can purchase it from there.

Things are going well with my writing on the novel and I will be back with an update on that in February and the status of it.  I may also attach a chapter for you to enjoy while you wait for my publish date.