Thursday, December 7, 2017


I hope everyone is enjoying getting ready for the holiday season.  I wish you all a Happy Holiday.🎄

As I have been making several changes to the new children's book over the past few weeks, I am going to delay the release until January 2018. It will be my start to a new year of writing both children's books and the beginning of a second fiction novel. More details to come in January.

Below is a revised copy of the front cover for Bella's Clocks. You will notice the only change for now is the girl who represents Bella.

I will be taking time off over the next few weeks to be with friends and family. I will return on December 31, 2017 with updates on all of my previous, current and future projects.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Goodreads Book Giveaway!!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Josephine by Diane Chartrand


by Diane Chartrand

Giveaway ends December 26, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Monday, November 20, 2017


I am so pleased with the response to my novel Josephine: Out of the Darkness Into the Light. I hope you get a chance to look at the preview of the book on Amazon to see what it is all about.

The book is now available on Amazon Worldwide both in Paperback and Kindle.  In case you're not sure what to look for on Amazon, you can just click on the books picture that you see on the right side of my page. When you click on the book cover, the underlying link will take you directly to where it is on Amazon.

Here is a picture of the cover to help find the correct one:

I am now back working on my next Children's Book about Bella and her Grandmother's clocks. I don't have a time line on this one yet. I was hoping to get it finished for December but having to make some major changes to the story line may delay it until 2018. I will let you know the progress on December 1st.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Souwesto Book Expo

This weekend I am attending workshops at our local book fair called Souwesto Book Expo, which is part of a bigger event called Wordsfest. This runs for two days where local authors can sell their books and attend workshops and lectures.

So far, I have attended two workshops and will go to one more later today. I have three of my books on the London Writers Society table for purchase. Those are: Cedric and Melissa, Andy and Sage: Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore and my newest publication Josephine: Out of the Darkness Into the Light.

I hope you have had a chance to check out my books currently on sale on Amazon both in paperback and Kindle.

While at the Book Expo, I am learning how to market my books to a wider audience all over the world so follow me by e-mail and get what I blog each time.  Shortly I will be setting up a Newsletter that everyone will be able to sign up for so watch for that to happen.

Now, it is time to get ready to return to the book fair. I will be back in a couple of weeks with more updates on the new book and the progress of the ones already on the market.

Monday, October 23, 2017


Finally, I can say,  Josephine: Out of the Darkness Into the Light has gone live. All you have to do is click on the book's picture that's on the right side of this blog, and it will take you directly to Amazon, or if you're in a hurry, you can do it with the link below.

The novel is now available at in both paperback and Kindle. If you are from a different country the paperback book is available on some Amazon sites now and on others will be available in 6 to 8 weeks. The Kindle Version is available now Worldwide if you prefer that format.

I spent a lot of time working on making it as good as possible, and I hope you will find the effort was worthwhile. Now I will go back to my current project, which is my new Children's Book.

I will keep everyone updated on Bella's progress and what things she may be up to with her clocks.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Here is the latest on my novel 'Josephine'. I received my 1st proof copy at the end of last week and had to make a few changes based on discussions with my writers group.

I did all the changes and re-submitted the new manuscript and cover for review so now I wait. If it passes the review, I will order another proof copy and hopefully all will be okay. Once I get through the process, I will come back here and update you on the release date to Amazon and will set up the link on the novel picture.

Tomorrow I will get back to my next Children's book while I wait for the proof to arrive. I am hoping to have the new Children's book ready for the holiday season. While you wait, Andy and Sage Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore is now available for purchase on Amazon both in paperback and Kindle Version Worldwide.

The weather here has turned a bit cooler with seasonal rain and winds. Before we all know it, in this part of the country, it will be winter and the snow will begin once more.

Until I hear more regarding my projects, enjoy each and everyday to the fullest.

Sunday, October 8, 2017


I made a final decision this week and will be self-publishing Josephine: Out of the Darkness Into the Light.

I have uploaded the file and cover to CreateSpace and am now waiting for my paperback proof to arrive. Once I go over the novel and decide it is all okay, I will set it up to be available on Amazon and the CreateSpace bookstore. I will then set up the Kindle Version for Amazon.

Once everything is available to purchase, I will do a book release here on the blog so you will know where to find it.

Below is the preliminary cover for my next Children's Book (subject to change). Will be back in a couple of weeks or sooner.

Sunday, October 1, 2017


A new month has begun and it truly feels like fall. First, I heard back from the Agent by email yesterday and it was "not a fit for me right now." That is okay for my first time submitting. I will now have to decide if I want to submit to someone else or self-publish. I will be back next Sunday and let you know what I have decided.

If I decide to self-publish, the book will be on Amazon within a couple of weeks both in paperback and Kindle.

Second, my Children's Book, "Andy and Sage:  Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore" is now available on Kindle and you can get to both versions by clicking on the cover picture to the left.

I am working on another Children's Book as you know. There is a preliminary cover done, but I will wait until next Sunday to show it to you. I may make a few minor changes before then.

Have a good week. I will be back on Sunday, October 8th with my decisions on "Josephine" and the new book cover.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Although we are still in September for a few more days, the calendar numerically indicates that it is Fall. If you look at our current weather for the next week or so, it seems like we are in the middle of Summer.

Now on to the news of the day!!

My new book Andy and Sage Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore is now available in paperback for purchase on  it will reach several other markets soon, if not there right now. I will be adding a Kindle Version shortly. I have linked the book picture, to your right, directly to Amazon to make it easier for you to find it and hopefully decide to make a purchase. At least, I hope you will take a look at the description area on Amazon before deciding.

No word from the Agent yet, but she is still working on her backlog queries so I will remain patient.

As for new projects.  I am being diligent in crafting my next Children's book. I have not designed a cover yet, but I can tell you that the story will be about a young girl, her Grandmother and something about a special clock or several unique clocks. I haven't decided yet if I will use just one clock or more than one so stay tuned.

Friday, September 1, 2017


First I want to send my prayers to everyone affected by Huricane Harvey. I hope everyone is in a safe place with your families and friends. To those who have lost family members or friends, my deepest condolences.

Not much to update on the agent front, still waiting.  I have great news about the new book though. 'Andy and Sage Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore' is almost complete. All the pictures are in, all the text is in so now it is just a bit of time to review and edit before the release.

I am looking at an October 1st date, but if things go well it will be a couple of weeks earlier. Keep an eye on the site for the release post.

I have been working on another children's book at the same time. That one will be released at the beginning of December just in time for the holiday season.  Stay tuned for more information.

If I don't hear anything from the agent by the middle of October, I will then complete everything to release 'Josephine' by Mid-November.

Hope everyone had a great summer season. That is if summer is your season right now. If you are just ending a different season, I hope you enjoyed that too. For all the parents with school age children, I hope that you and the children are enjoying their first days.

Friday, August 18, 2017


This month is beginning to be very productive.  I still haven't heard back from the agent, but she has stopped accepting queries until she catches up. Her load must be extensive as she has taken the rest of this week off from her busy schedule.

UPDATE:  Cedric and Melissa is now available to read  free with Kindle Unlimited from Amazon. This will be available for only 90 days. Make sure to check out this book about Snowy Owls and Polar Bears for your kids. This is an easy read for children from Grade 2 to Grade 6, but is an informational book for people of all ages.

Also, check out Amazon, during the month of September, as there will be a three week promotion lowering the purchase price for the Kindle Version of Cedric and Melissa. This book is also available in paperback.

I am making progress on my current project, Andy and Sage Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore.  I had to chase Sage all over the pages of the book this week, but I have finally found the right page for her to settle onto.

I have all my pictures now inserted in the book and just have to complete the story.

Lastly, I have also started to work on another Children's Book about a young girl and a special clock. More to come on that in the coming months.

Sunday, July 30, 2017


Hope everyone is having a fun time whatever your season is right now.  Where I live it's the middle of the summer season, but it will soon be August.

I haven't heard anything yet from the Agent but it is still early. While waiting, I have been going over the entire manuscript one last time to check for minor errors. I believe it has been edited to death, but you can't be too careful.

My new children's book is coming along pretty well. The pictures are challenging but fun to create. Last time I was here, I indicated that I would show you the book cover. Below is the current version of the front cover (subject to change) as it stands right now.

I'm not sure about the title but it will be somewhere with books. If you have any suggestions let me know. Well it is time to get back to work so this book will be ready to publish in early September.

I will return in a couple of weeks, hopefully, with this books launch date, and I should be able to tell you about some of the other projects that I'm working on.

Saturday, July 15, 2017


Hope everyone is having a great July. The peak of vacation time is upon us so enjoy it to the fullest.

No news on the agent yet, but I am patient. To fill the time, I have a lot of other work on the go  to keep me busy.

I have set up my file and full cover for 'Josephine' in case the agent part doesn't work out. This way, if necessary, I will have everything ready to self-publish. I have changed the cover picture on the right side of the site for your review.

Work on the new Children's book is coming along at a pretty good pace.  So far I have 30 pages that consist of a mixture of text and pictures.  My goal is to have 58 pages once all is complete. I know you may be curious about the story line, but have patience. It will all be revealed shortly.

As it is summer break from school, for most of your children, all five of my previous Children's books are available on Amazon. This is the best time for your little ones to continue reading so they don't forget what was learned in their last school year.

I will return at the end of the month with a  preliminary picture of the front cover for the new Children's book. If I hear any news before that, I will return and give you an update.

Friday, June 30, 2017


Welcome to Summer. I'm so glad we here in Canada can enjoy this warmer time of the year.  I have submitted a query to an agent for my book and now I will wait for a response.

I have not been just sitting around.  The new Children's book is coming along at a good pace.  I bet you're all curious as to what it will be about.  Well,,,,,, Here's a small hint!!!

What do you think are the names of theses two characters? What are your thoughts about where they are, and what they might be doing?

I will leave it there for now. Once the book is completed and ready for publication, I will make an announcement with a copy of the book cover and where you can purchase it.

Back to work for me, but I hope all of you are enjoying a bit of vacation time. I will be back in a couple of weeks with more on any word from the agent and an update on my new works.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Well, the warm weather is upon us. I like this time of year as everything turns green, the birds are singing, and children are playing. Summer is also an excellent opportunity to spend reading to your children, or them reading to you. Be sure to check out my books, which are available on Amazon Worldwide, which you can link to from this site.

I have only one more chapter of Josephine to re-edit. Once that is finished, I will submit my story to an agent. The response time will be between 8 and 12 weeks.  I am hopeful about this venture.

If it doesn't work out, I still have the option to self-publish through Amazon. One way or the other, you will, in time, be able to buy my book.

I will spend the next couple of months working on my new Children's book. In about a month, I will have more details for you on the title and storyline. This will keep me busy while I wait to hear back from the agent.

I will be back at the end of the month to update you on my progress.

Friday, May 12, 2017


I 'm so glad the weather has turned to spring.  The trees are turning green. The robins have come back, and now all we need is for the sun to shine.

I have not been slacking off.  Work on Josephine continues, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel so that is good.  I started working on a new children's book that I hope will be ready for September-October release.  I was going to tell you more about it, but I changed my mind and will let it be a surprise.

As all of you get ready for summer break, I have already experienced mine with a trip to a favorite grandson's wedding last month. It was a beautiful occasion even if the weather was cold and gloomy.

I will do my best to update everyone the middle of each month unless something great happens in between.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


It has been a while since I 've communicated with everyone.  Re-writing and editing a large novel manuscript is a long process. I am now waiting for the second round of editors comments to be returned.

The past six weeks I have been taking a course in Memoir writing for future use. I learned many useful items that can be applied to any type of writing. It was a much needed break from my own work to visit another form of leaving information for future generations.

My children's books are being received well, especially Cedric and Melissa.  All of my books are now available on Amazon in both Kindle format and paperback so check them out. Just click on the books picture and it will take you to Amazon or if you click on my Author Central icon it will take you to where you can see all the books available at this time.

I am going to start working on a couple of more children's books and will update everyone on the titles shortly.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Finally the first edits are completed on the manuscript for Josephine.  I have now submitted it for a second review. This review will take several weeks to be completed. In the meantime, I will focus on promotion of my Children's books that are available from Amazon and Createspace.

I have revised the combination book Time With Sara Series in both the paperback and kindle versions.  I corrected all of the grammatical errors in the first story, mostly missing commas, and increased the font size to large print. I didn't change anything in the second or third stories. I also updated the Author page at the end of the book. I changed the picture so it corresponds with my Author Central version.

The prior print version cost was $10.60 US and is now $14.60 US due to the increase of page numbers from 48 to 60, changing the printing costs.  I have also lowered the cost on the kindle version to be more affordable, as I have complete control over that through KDP. You can check it out on Amazon Worldwide for your countries price.

For all who have purchased the prior versions, the context of the stories are all still the same so yours is still valid.


Thursday, January 19, 2017


If you look at my book covers, you will see that all my books are now available in Paperback and Kindle Versions from Amazon.

I have slightly redesigned my page to make it easier to know what is available for purchase. I have provided a link for each book to When you click on the photo of the book cover, you will go to and they will redirect you to the site for your country.

For the three smaller individual books, Sara's Magic World, Sara Meets Dizzy and Sara's Magical Christmas, all are available in Kindle Version everywhere, but the Paperback Version is only available in limited countries at this time.  All are available at the main site, which is in the United States.  If it is not available on your site, you can purchase them from the United States site.

Work on Josephine is progressing nicely but a lot of hard work.  I have also put up my original book cover for the time being until a decision is made on what it will be on publishing day.

If you click on Author Central, my photo, it will take you there and show you all my books available and their prices. You can also, when at Author Central, click on the follow link and you will be updated automatically about anything new that happens.

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Hi everyone.  I am here to let you know that 'Cedric and Melissa', a Children's illustrated chapter book recommended for Grade 3 to Grade 5 students, has been launched on and Amazon Europe, CreateSpace, Barnes and Noble and will soon show up on your country's site available to purchase.

I have put in a link when you click on the picture so you can purchase it now directly from CreateSpace, so you won't have to wait for it to become available in your area by other venues.

There are two versions available.  There is a paperback version that you can get through the outlets mentioned about, and a pre-order kindle version available only on Amazon worldwide.  Check out your favorite book purchasing site and see for yourself.

I have my novel manuscript back so will start the task of re-writing some areas on January 2, 2017.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season, and I will be back in the new year.