Sunday, July 31, 2022


 Hello readers. I did some writing since our last posting and have finished to Chapter 24 and start of Chapter 25. I am now looking at a possible release date in early September for "Hard To Cross" and will update after editing is complete.

I will also get more work done on my children's book so it will be ready for purchase shortly before the Christmas holiday.

Well back to the words so you will be able to get this book soon. Hope everyone is having a great summer.

Sunday, July 3, 2022


First I have to say HAPPY CANADA DAY to all my readers in Canada and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all my readers in the US.

I have been writing again and am at 22,762 words and have finished up to Chapter 21 in my novel 'Hard To Cross'. I have set a date to be finished writing for July 31, 2022 and then will start the difficult task of editing. I hope to be able to have a publishing date near the middle of August but the edit process may slow that down.

I will also try to get some work done on my children's book and am looking at a completion date of September 10th with the rest of the month for editing purposes. I hope to get the children's book out for some time in October.


There will be another update at the end of July so you can see if I have met my writing deadline. Hope everyone has a fun and safe summer.