Saturday, September 23, 2017


Although we are still in September for a few more days, the calendar numerically indicates that it is Fall. If you look at our current weather for the next week or so, it seems like we are in the middle of Summer.

Now on to the news of the day!!

My new book Andy and Sage Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore is now available in paperback for purchase on  it will reach several other markets soon, if not there right now. I will be adding a Kindle Version shortly. I have linked the book picture, to your right, directly to Amazon to make it easier for you to find it and hopefully decide to make a purchase. At least, I hope you will take a look at the description area on Amazon before deciding.

No word from the Agent yet, but she is still working on her backlog queries so I will remain patient.

As for new projects.  I am being diligent in crafting my next Children's book. I have not designed a cover yet, but I can tell you that the story will be about a young girl, her Grandmother and something about a special clock or several unique clocks. I haven't decided yet if I will use just one clock or more than one so stay tuned.

Friday, September 1, 2017


First I want to send my prayers to everyone affected by Huricane Harvey. I hope everyone is in a safe place with your families and friends. To those who have lost family members or friends, my deepest condolences.

Not much to update on the agent front, still waiting.  I have great news about the new book though. 'Andy and Sage Visit the Ant Hill Bookstore' is almost complete. All the pictures are in, all the text is in so now it is just a bit of time to review and edit before the release.

I am looking at an October 1st date, but if things go well it will be a couple of weeks earlier. Keep an eye on the site for the release post.

I have been working on another children's book at the same time. That one will be released at the beginning of December just in time for the holiday season.  Stay tuned for more information.

If I don't hear anything from the agent by the middle of October, I will then complete everything to release 'Josephine' by Mid-November.

Hope everyone had a great summer season. That is if summer is your season right now. If you are just ending a different season, I hope you enjoyed that too. For all the parents with school age children, I hope that you and the children are enjoying their first days.