Tuesday, February 16, 2016


This is just an update regarding my children's book.  Yesterday I uploaded the 'Time With Sara' file to Amazon's Kindle Edition.  It is now available to purchase both in paperback and Kindle version for your convenience.

Just a note:  Each of the stories is available individually in the Kindle Edition or you can purchase the three stories at one time either in paperback from Amazon, CreateSpace, Barnes & Noble or the Kindle Editions of all from Amazon.

Monday, February 1, 2016


February 1, 2016 has finally arrived. I have put up a peek at part of Chapter One of my novel 'Josephine' for you to read. You will find it right at the top of my page.  It is titled: CHAPTER ONE PEEK-JOSEPHINE

I hope everyone enjoys this part of Chapter One and will look forward to when the completed manuscript is published.  I know it is a long wait but I promise you it will be worth it.