Sunday, March 9, 2025


 Hi everyone. I know it has been several weeks since I posted but I'm here now. I took a rest and am now back to work on three different books. Two children's books and one for the adults. The children's books contain one story about a cat named Dizzy and the other is one I have been working on for a long time about Rian's Many Hats. I will finish both of these before the end of the year just in time for the Christmas season.

Will try to finish Rian's Many Hats first!






The adult one is in transition. First it had one title and now it has a new title called "Lost In a Labyrinth" subject to changes later of if required. I have gotten the first chapter done and am working on the second one.


See you all at the end of the month for a progress update. For many of us spring is coming soon!