Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 So I guess you are wondering what I am up to.  My manuscript for "Haven House" is with my editor and will not be back until April 5th. I am working on the next books but mostly "Hard To Cross" as there are many changes to be made in the first chapters.

"Hard To Cross" was created from a writers group activity where we chose blindly someone who was either male or female and had a problem to deal with.  I ended up with a male who was a recluse so that gives you an idea of what this story will be about.

My main character will try and work through finding a way to rejoin the world and no longer live alone.  This task is very difficult and he will go through many different ways to achieve his goal.  Here is the question.  Will he make it to the other side intact?

The journey is like trying to find a way to cross over this expanse of water safely to the other side.  As the water is extremely deep the task is dangerous for anyone making the attempt.

Back to work now.  Everyone have a great St. Patrick's Day☘

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